2023 House League Rules

Updated May 17, 2023


Introductory Baseball - Introductory Baseball consists of the following divisions: Jr. T-Ball (U4), Sr. T-Ball (U6), Jr. Coach Pitch (U7)

Intermediate Baseball - Intermediate Baseball consists of the following divisions: Sr. Coach Pitch (U8), Rookie Ball (U10)

Baseball - Baseball consists of the following divisions: Mosquito (U12), Peewee (U14)

Senior Baseball - Senior Baseball consists of the following divisions: Bantam (U16), Midget (U18)

Legal Game - A game between two Legal Teams which will count towards the standings

Legal Team - The minimum number of players on a team required to play a legal game

Primary Receiver - The player responsible for receiving the ball in the infield and making the initial out.


1.0 Preamble

The definitions and general rules of baseball shall apply, subject to certain exceptions described in these Amendments


2.0 Decorum

2.1 The actions and conduct of the Players, Managers, Coaches, Scorekeepers, Umpires and League Officials must be above reproach.

2.2 Managers and Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players both on and off the field.

2.3 The abuse of BOMBA equipment (bats, helmets, etc.) is prohibited and violation of this will result in the ejection of the player from the game. One warning will be given at the beginning of the game for both teams.

2.4 The use of tobacco in any form (including vaping and cannabis consumption) is prohibited in any city parks, as per a Burlington Bylaw which went into effect April 1, 2014.  This bylaw bans smoking in parks, playgrounds and around other recreation facilities in the City of Burlington.  For more information, please visit the City of Burlington website.

2.5 The consumption of any alcoholic beverage on the grounds of any game or practice is a violation of both provincial law and BOMBA'S municipal park permits. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ARE TO BE CONSUMED OR DISPLAYED IN BOMBA PERMITTED PARKS / PARKING LOTS OR IN ANY PARKS IN WHICH BOMBA PLAYERS ARE PRESENT.

2.6 Players, Managers, Coaches or spectators are not to deliberately harass or direct any discourteous remarks at the officials or any member of either team and MUST FOLLOW THE CODE OF CONDUCT

2.7 Teams must display sportsmanship by shaking hands at the end of every game.

2.8 Players, Managers, Coaches, or spectators engaging or persisting in conduct detrimental to the spirit, principles, and objectives of good sportsmanship in all levels of baseball may receive a single warning from the umpire. If the offense or offenses continue, the offender or offenders will be removed from the game.

2.9 Any removal of a player or coach from a game due to abuse of an official will result in an automatic one game suspension. Subsequent ejections will result in a meeting with the House League committee and Umpire in Chief to determine additional penalties.

2.10 Umpires must enforce these rules. Umpires noting infractions during a game will direct Managers to correct their team members and supporters. Failure to comply will result in forfeiture of the game and such additional disciplinary action as the BOMBA executive deems warranted following a disciplinary hearing.


3.0 General Rules

NOTE: BOMBA follows Baseball Ontario Rules with the exception of the rules below.  Another resource is Baseball Ontario's ONDeck which can be found here.


3.1 Call-Ups and Team Size

3.1.1 Baseball and Senior Baseball teams unable to field 9 players may call up players from the division below.

3.1.2 Intermediate Baseball teams unable to field a team of 10 players may call up from the division below.

3.1.3 When bringing up players, a Manager must contact the convenor of their division.

3.1.4 Both affected coaches must inform their respective convenors as to the name and team of the called up player.

* 3.1.5 Players called up to play in the next higher division may play a maximum of five games during the regular season and five games during the playoffs. This rule may be waived for playoffs at the discretion of the Houseleague committee

3.2 Makeup of a Legal Team

3.2.1 A Legal Team in Baseball and Senior Baseball will consist of a minimum of 8 players

3.2.2 Baseball and Senior Baseball teams may start the first inning with 7 players

3.2.3 A Legal Team in Intermediate Baseball will consist of a minimum of 9 players

3.2.4 Intermediate Baseball teams may start the first inning with 8 players

3.2.5 At the end of the first inning a team unable to field a complete or legal team will forfeit the game, a score of 1 run per regulation inning (6-0 Rookie Ball, 7-0 Midget etc.,) will be awarded to the non-offending team

3.2.6 Players arriving after the start of the ball game will be added to the bottom of the batting order

3.2.7 In the event that neither side can form a legal team, the game must be rescheduled (if possible). It is recommended that an EXHIBITION game will be played at this time.

3.3 The age of a player shall be determined by their age as of December 31 of the playing year.


3.4 Game Times

3.4.1 Games played on unlit diamonds will begin at 6:15.  No new inning shall begin after 8:15.  Dead ball shall be at 8:30 

3.4.2 Early games played on lit diamonds shall begin at 6:15.  No new inning shall start after 8:15.  Deadball shall be called at 8:25

3.4.3 Late games on lit diamonds shall begin at 8:30.  No new inning shall start after 10:30.  Deadball shall be called at 10:45

3.4.4   Once the time after which no new inning can be started has passed, the game ends if the home team has or takes the lead. If the home team has tied the game when deadball is called, the game ends in a tie. Otherwise, if deadball is called when an inning has not been completed, the game shall revert back to the score at last completed inning. In the event of a dispute the decision of the house league committee will be final.


3.5 Equipment and Uniforms

3.5.1 Helmets must be worn at all times by batters, base runners and catchers

3.5.2 The on-deck batter, batter, base runners, and batboy/batgirl must wear a prescribed protective helmet with flaps, covering both ears. This may not be changed except after the inning has been completed, or the player has been retired or has crossed home plate. In PeeWee and below, helmet chinstraps are mandatory unless the presence of a manufacturer installed face guard (C-Flap) prevents the use of the chinstrap and will be worn as designed by the manufacturer. 

3.5.3 In applicable divisions, facemasks must be worn by the pitcher

3.5.4 All players must wear an athletic supporter

3.5.5 Catchers equipment must consist of a chest protector, shin guards, facemask with throat protector and helmet, all of which must be worn during practice, warm-up, and games.

3.5.6 The full uniform supplied by BOMBA, consisting of hat, shirt, and pants, must be worn at all times by all players while participating in a game. Shirts must be tucked into the waistband of the pants.

3.5.7 Coaches are expected to share equipment with opposing teams in situations where, due to breakage or normal wear and tear, there is insufficient safety equipment available.

3.5.8 All metal or composite bats must be taped or have the rubber sleeve in order to provide a proper grip.

3.5.9 No player will be allowed to play wearing shoes with metal cleats. The only exceptions are for Midget and Bantam house league. Any player found wearing metal cleats during a game will be ejected from the game but will not serve an additional suspension. If found before the game, the player will be asked to play with running shoes. Any metal cleats found during play, the player will be ejected.

3.5.10 Any person warming up a pitcher must wear a facemask.

3.6 DIAMONDS: The Home team is responsible for the diamond layout prior to each game. The diamond should be ready 15 minutes prior to the start time. It is encouraged that the visiting team assists the home team in set up when needed.

3.7 SCORE REPORTING is the responsibility of the winning coach (Within 48 hours).  Any game with no score reported will be assumed to be a tie. 

3.8 RAINOUTS must be reported to the Game Scheduler and Convenor.   Rained out games will be made up where possible.  However, the schedule is developed with a maximum number of games, expecting to have some rain-outs.

3.9 REGISTRATIONS will be accepted up to March 31st provided there are openings remaining in the appropriate division.

3.10 REGISTRATION REFUNDS will be approved for good cause up to May 7 payable on the return of the complete uniform. An administration fee of $50 will apply.

3.11 BOMBA does not provide medical and dental INSURANCE coverage for players registered. Parents and guardians are advised to obtain proper insurance coverage related to individual needs.

3.12 PLAYOFFS for all teams will consist of a minimum of 2 games.  The format for playoffs in each division will be determined by the Houseleague Committee.  All playoff seeding will be determined via winning percentage.

3.13 The son/daughter of the Head Coach, plus the son/daughter of one (or two) assistant coach(es) and the son/daughter of one sponsor for a maximum of three PLAYER REQUESTS will be assigned to any one team.  All other players will be assigned by the Houseleague Committee in an attempt to achieve competitive balance. Siblings will be assigned to the same team. 

3.14 Each team must assign a SCOREKEEPER, who shall inform players of their batting position, keep track of the score, fair play rules and changes to the lineup.

3.15 Any player, coach, assistant coach, or manager who is ejected for fighting will serve an automatic 2 game suspension and will be subject to a disciplinary hearing.

3.16 All teams from outside Burlington must adhere to BOMBA rules and regulations.

3.17 All calls made by the umpire are final.



4.0 Fair Play Rules

4.1 No player shall sit out two consecutive innings in any division.

4.2 No player shall sit out a second inning until each player has sat out once.

4.3 No player in Peewee and below shall play a third inning in the outfield until each player has played two.  Any exception to this rule for special circumstances must be approved by the Convenor.

4.4 Both teams are to submit a Defensive and Offensive line-up, including player numbers prior to the start of the game.  Coaches have until the start of the game to address any issues in a respectful manner.  Any concerns regarding lineups must be reported to the Convenor.

4.5 Failure to adhere to the fair play rules could result in forfeiture of the game subject to review by the house league committee.



5.0 Tournaments

5.1 BOMBA encourages teams from Rookie Ball to Midget to participate as an intact team in tournaments.

5.2 Players may be added to supplement original team players that choose not to participate. BOMBA reserves the right to contact those players not attending to ensure they were given the opportunity to participate. The team is only allowed to add players to reach the original team roster quantity. 

5.3 BOMBA supplied House League uniforms (jersey, hat, socks, and pants) are to be worn at these tournaments.

5.4 Coaches that wish to enter into these tournaments must seek approval from the House League Chair prior to tournament application and payment being sent to the hosting organization.

5.5 The final roster must be approved by the House League Chair and BOMBA's President.



6.0 Division Specific Rules


6.1 Jr. T-Ball (U4)

Age: 4 years

Team Size: Up to 8 players

Base Distance: 40 feet

Score Kept: No

Outs Recorded: No

Inning Mercy: N/A

Lead-Offs/Stealing Allowed: No

Ball Used:  Official safety ball supplied by BOMBA


6.2 Sr. T-Ball (U5)

Age: 5 years

Team Size: Up to 14 players

Base Distance: 40 feet

Score Kept: No

Outs Recorded: No

Inning Mercy: N/A

Lead-Offs/Stealing Allowed: No

Ball Used:  Official safety ball supplied by BOMBA


6.3 Jr. Coach Pitch (U7)

Age: 6 years

Team Size: Up to 14 players

Base Distance: 50 feet

Score Kept: No

Outs Recorded: Phased in during the season

Inning Mercy: N/A

Lead-Offs/Stealing Allowed: No

Pitching:  Safety nets are optional.

Catcher’s position: The catcher must be positioned behind home plate and in front of the Umpire (in the proper catching position).

Ball Used:  Official safety ball supplied by BOMBA


6.4 Sr. Coach Pitch (U8)

Age: 7 years

Team Size: Up to 14 players

Base Distance: 60 feet

Score Kept: Yes

Outs Recorded: Yes

Inning Mercy: 5 runs through to the end of the 4th inning. 5th inning will be open

Lead-Offs Allowed: No

Players in the Field: 10 (6 in the infield, 4 in the outfield)

Ball Used:  Official safety ball supplied by BOMBA

Regulation Game Length: 6 innings

Rain Shortened Games: 3 or more complete innings constitutes a complete game

Overthrows: No bases are awarded on passed balls at first or third base

Pitching:  Safety nets are optional.

Hitting: Each batter is given five hittable pitches to hit the ball.  After five hittable pitches, the batter is called out. A batter hitting a foul ball on the fifth pitch is granted another pitch.

Dead balls: Any ball not traveling ten feet from home plate is considered a foul ball.  Any ball hitting the coach's protective screen is considered a dead ball, and all forced runners are awarded one base.

Infield Fly in Effect: No

Catcher’s position: The catcher must be positioned behind home plate and in front of the Umpire (in the proper catching position).

Safety Bag: The safety bag will be used at first base.  Base runners must touch the orange part of the bag or they will be called out.  Fielders must touch the white part of the bag or the runner will be called safe.

Safety Equipment: Pitchers must wear a helmet with a facemask. Catchers must wear all safety equipment supplied by BOMBA.

Calling Time: Any player in the infield may call time once they have gained control.  It is the umpire's discretion regarding advancing runners.

Tag Plays: Pitchers may not tag a runner going towards first base.

Coaches on the Field: Coaches may not interfere with any play.


6.5 Rookie Ball (U10)

Age: 8-9 years

Team Size: Up to 14 players

Base Distance: 65 feet

Score Kept: Yes

Outs Recorded: Yes

Inning Mercy: 5 runs through to the end of the 5th inning.  The 6th inning will become an open inning (with unlimited runs.) If the game ends before the 6th inning, there will be no open inning.

Lead-Offs Allowed: No

Players in the Field: 10 (6 in the infield, 4 in the outfield)

Ball Used:  Official baseball supplied by BOMBA

Regulation Game Length: 6 innings

Rain Shortened Games: 3 or more complete innings constitute a complete game.  

Overthrows: No bases are awarded on passed balls at first or third base

Pitching:  The supplied BOMBA pitching machine will be used at a distance of 44 feet. The pitching machine speeds cannot be altered except at the end of an inning. Any tampering with the machine speeds by the coach feeding the machine shall result in the coach’s ejection. If the speed or ball flight become erratic, it shall be corrected at the direction of the umpire. Height can be adjusted at any time. Machine speed is the maximum of 40 mph (64 km/h) and a minimum of 35 mph (56 km/h). Interpretation: A line is drawn on all machines which indicates the 40 mph setting on all machines.

Safety Circle: 8’ circle must be drawn around the pitching machine.  No fielder may enter the safety circle to make a play.  Umpires will ensure there is a safety circle prior to the start of the game.

Hitting: Each batter is given five hittable pitches to hit the ball.  After five hittable pitches, the batter is called out. A batter hitting a foul ball on the fifth pitch is granted another pitch.

Bunting: No

Dead balls: Any ball hitting the pitching machine/generator/buckets/coach is considered a dead ball, and all forced runners are awarded one base. Any ball stopping in the safety circle is considered a dead ball and all forced runners are awarded one base.

Infield Fly In Effect: No

Catcher’s position: The catcher must be positioned behind home plate and in front of the Umpire (in the proper catching position).

Outfielder Positioning: Outfielders must be placed a minimum of 15 feet behind the baseline, and no outfielder may be the primary receiver on the infield.  Violation of this rule will lead to all runners be called safe. Outfielders must throw to an infielder to record an out.

Safety Bag: The safety bag will be used at first base.  Base runners must touch the orange part of the bag or they will be called out.  Fielders must touch the white part of the bag or the runner will be called safe.

Safety Equipment: Pitchers must wear a helmet with a facemask. Catchers must wear all safety equipment supplied by BOMBA.

Coaches helmet: Any coach operating pitching machine must wear provided safety helmet.

Calling Time: Any player in the infield may request time once they have gained control of the ball.  It is the umpire's discretion regarding advancing runners.

Coaches on the Field: No coach may be on the field or behind the backstop during play. As of the week of June 1st, coaches are no longer able to coach from the field and must coach from the dugout. 


6.6 Mosquito (U12)

Age: 10-11 years

Team Size: Up to 14 players

Base Distance: 65 feet

Pitching Distance: 44 feet

Pitch Limits: No pitcher shall pitch more than 70 pitches or 2 innings per game.  All innings must be consecutive.  An inning pitched is defined as 2 or more batters or 10 or more pitches.  It is the responsibility of the score keepers to track innings pitched and the pitch count.  Once a pitch count is reached, the pitcher may finish the current batter only.

Catching Limits: No catcher shall catch more than three innings.  An inning caught is defined as 2 or more batters.


Balks: No

Inning Mercy: 1st and 2nd inning are 3 run mercy rule. Inning 3, 4 will be 5 run mercy rule. The 5th and 6th inning will be open innings (with unlimited runs.) If the 5th inning is not reached, there will be no open innings.

Lead-Offs/Stealing Allowed: No runner may leave their base until the pitch has crossed the plate. On the first offence, the team will receive a warning. Upon a second offence by any team member, the player will be called out. Each team will receive one verbal warning. Penalty is the runner is called out.  No batter who has reached first on a walk may advance to second base before the next pitch is thrown. 

Scoring a Run: Runners may only advance to home on a batted ball, a walk or hit by pitch

Drop Third Strike Rule: does not apply

Bunting: Bunting is permitted

Players in the Field: 10 (6 in the infield, 4 in the outfield)

Ball Used:  Official baseball supplied by BOMBA

Regulation Game Length: 6 innings

Rain Shortened Games: 3 or more complete innings constitutes a complete game.  

Infield Fly In Effect: No

Outfielder Positioning: Outfielders must be placed a minimum of 15 feet behind the baseline, and no outfielder may be the primary receiver on the infield.  Violation of this rule will lead to all runners be called safe. Outfielders must throw to an infielder to record an out.

Safety Bag: The safety bag will be used at first base.  Base runners must touch the orange part of the bag or they will be called out.  Fielders must touch the white part of the bag or the runner will be called safe.

Coaches on the Field: No coach may be on the field during play.


6.7 Peewee (U14)

Age: 12-13 years

Team Size: Up to 14 players

Base Distance: 75 feet-no safety bag

Pitching Distance: 50 feet

Pitch Limits: Three pitchers must be used in a six inning game.  No pitcher shall pitch more than 80 pitches or 2 innings per game.  All innings must be consecutive.  An inning pitched is defined as 2 or more batters or 10 or more pitches.  It is the responsibility of the score keepers to track innings pitched and the pitch count.  Once a pitch count is reached, the pitcher may finish the current batter only. 

Catching Limits: No catcher shall catch more than three innings.  An inning caught is defined as 2 or more batters.


Balks: One warning per pitcher

Inning Mercy: 3 runs in the 1st and 2nd inning. 5 runs through to the end of the 4th inning. Innings 5 through 7 will be unlimited.

Lead-Offs/Stealing Allowed: Yes

Players in the Field: 9 (6 in the infield, 3 in the outfield)

Ball Used:  Official baseball supplied by BOMBA

Regulation Game Length: 7 innings

Rain Shortened Games: 4 or more complete innings constitutes a complete game.

Infield Fly in Effect: Yes

Coaches on the Field: No coach may be on the field during play.


6.8 Bantam (U16)

Age: 14-15 years

Team Size: Up to 14 players

Base Distance: 90 feet

Pitching Distance: 60’6”

Pitch Limits: No pitcher shall pitch more than 90 pitches or 2 innings per game.  All innings must be consecutive.  An inning pitched is defined as 2 or more batters or 10 or more pitches.  It is the responsibility of the scorekeepers to track innings pitched and the pitch count.  Once a pitch count is reached, the pitcher may finish the current batter only.

Catching Limits: A minimum of two catchers must be used per game. No catcher shall catch more than four innings.  An inning caught is defined as 2 or more batters.

Balks: One warning per pitcher

Inning Mercy: 3 runs in the 1st and 2nd inning. 5 runs through to the end of the 5th inning. Innings 6 and 7 will be unlimited. If inning 6 is not reached, there will be no unlimited inning.

Lead-Offs/Stealing Allowed: Yes

Players in the Field: 9 (6 in the infield, 3 in the outfield)

Ball Used:  Official baseball supplied by BOMBA

Regulation Game Length: 7 innings

Rain Shortened Games: 4 or more complete innings constitutes a complete game.

Infield Fly in Effect: Yes

Bat Restrictions: The maximum weight of an aluminum bat will be drop 5 (-5).  There is no limit on wood bats.  Any batter caught using an illegal bat will be called out.


6.9 Midget (U18)

Age: 16-18 years

Team Size: Up to 14 players

Base Distance: 90 feet

Pitching Distance: 60’6”

Pitch Limits: No pitcher shall pitch more than 100 pitches or 3 innings per game.  All innings must be consecutive.  An inning pitched is defined as 2 or more batters or 10 or more pitches.  It is the responsibility of the score keepers to track innings pitched and the pitch count.  Once a pitch count is reached, the pitcher may finish the current batter only.

Catching Limits: A minimum of two catchers must be used per game. No catcher shall catch more than four innings.  An inning caught is defined as 2 or more batters.

Balks: One warning per team

Inning Mercy: 3 runs in the 1st and 2nd inning. 5 runs through to the end of the 5th inning. Innings 6 and 7 will be unlimited. If inning 6 is not reached, there will be no unlimited inning.

Players in the Field: 9 (6 in the infield, 3 in the outfield)

Ball Used:  Official baseball supplied by BOMBA

Regulation Game Length: 7 innings

Rain Shortened Games: 4 or more complete innings constitutes a complete game.

Infield Fly In Effect: Yes

Bat Restrictions: The maximum weight of an aluminum bat will be drop 5 (-5).  There is no limit on wood bats.  Any batter caught using an illegal bat will be called out.

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