Code of Conduct

BOMBA Code of Conduct

I hereby pledge to provide positive support, care, and encouragement for all participants, including but not limited to: players, coaches, umpires, and spectators, participating in youth baseball by adhering to the BOMBA Code of Conduct in the following ways:

  1. I will lead by example through:
  • Encouraging good sportsmanship and positive support for all coaches, players, opponents, opposing fans, and umpires at every game, practice, or other BOMBA events.
  • Treating each coach, player, opponent, opposing fan, umpire, or BOMBA representatives with respect and dignity, and will refrain from making negative comments, using profanity   and intimidation tactics.
  • Not telling the coaches how to coach or criticizing coaches, players, or umpires and will discuss any problems or concerns privately with coaches or parent reps at an agreed upon time and date.
  • Supporting a sports environment that is free from tobacco, alcohol, vaping, marijuana, illegal substances, and refrain from its use at all youth baseball events.
  • Not initiating or participating in any form of verbal or physical assault toward any participant or BOMBA representative.
  1. Parents/guardians and spectators will act responsibly and ensure that:   
  • Their child gets to practice and games on time to ensure adequate warm-up.
  • Their child is picked up from all games and practices on time.
  • They place the emotional and physical wellbeing of all participants ahead of a “win at all costs” attitude. Winning is not defined by the outcome of competition, but by the individual needs of the children.
  • They understand that children are born with different abilities, and that it is not important how   participants compare to others, but that they are given the opportunity to display their personal best.
  • All participants have a positive and fun youth baseball experience, remembering that the game is for all the participants.
  • They help participants maintain their focus on the game by not visiting or approaching the dugout unless asked to do so by the coaches.
  • Respect all umpires and their decisions.
  • Not approach or touch the umpire in any manner.
  1. Coaches will:
  • Respect all umpires and their decisions.
  • Ensure all questions to the umpires are made in a respectful manner.
  • Not approach the umpire or touch the umpire in any manner.
  • Bulls Head Coaches will follow the Coaches Expectations document that they signed.
  • House League Coaches will follow the fair play rules (provided to all coaches).

Violations of the Code of Conduct will result in written documentation, advisory consultation and possible disciplinary action including game suspensions and/or removal of privilege to attend any BOMBA event.

Level 1 Offense Level 2 Offense Level 3 Offense
  • Yelling at any participant
  • Making negative/derogatory comments concerning a player’s skill level or ability
  • Making negative/derogatory comments or instructing a coach or umpire
  • Not following fair play rules as provided (House League coaches)
  • Not adhering to any condition in the Coaches Expectations document (Rep and Dedicated Select coaches)
  • Use of tobacco, alcohol, vape, marijuana or illegal substances at any BOMBA event.
  • Use of profanity at any BOMBA event where minors are in attendance.
  • Unnecessary physical contact of any nature with any participant.
  • Using threatening or intimidating language towards any participant.


Note: If the physical contact is deemed to have intent to intimidate or harm another participant, in the opinion of the committee, the consequence will be deemed a 3rd offence regardless of any prior offences


Discipline Committee:

Committee shall be made up of 3 people (the director or convenor of the division, another member of the Board and a third person who is a non-Board member. The Chair of the House League or Rep division will pick the committee.

Discipline Procedure:

When a participant has been informed of the disciplinary action against them, they are immediately suspended from attending any BOMBA events including games, or practices until a discipline committee has been formed, completed the meeting and rendered a decision on the complaint.

  1. The participant will be informed by the division director that disciplinary action is being initiated against them as the result of a complaint or action observed and/or reported. This will include the details of the violation and complaint filed.
  2. The Chair will pick and advise members to confirm availability and confirm there is no conflict of interest.
  3. The Committee will identify the participant and witnesses and ask them each for a statement.
  4. Committee members will be provided with any written reports available at least 24 hours prior to the discipline meeting.
  5. The committee will set a date for the meeting. The meeting shall be held within 72 hours of receiving the complaint (based on availability)
  6. Committee members will meet with the participant that the complaint was made against and all other witnesses. Any witness or participant under the age of 18 shall be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  7. All witnesses and participants will be interviewed separately.
  8. The Committee will consider the statements provided, answers to questions during the meeting, and any past disciplinary actions against the offending participant and come to a ruling on any disciplinary action (if any), based on Table 1 and inform the participant.
  9. The participant may choose to appeal the decision. Should an appeal be requested, a separate committee will be formed to hear the appeal. The appeal committee will be provided with all original statements and the initial committee’s decision and reasoning.
  10. The appeal process will follow 3 through 8 above, as required.
  11. All appeal decisions are final.


Approved by the BOMBA Board of Directors on December 8, 2024

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