2025 Bulls Rep and Dedicated Select Tryout Registration

Tryouts for players born 2007 to 2018 (18U to 8U):

Registration is full/closed for the following age groups: 8U, 9U, 10U, 11U, 12U, 13U, 14U


Registration is mandatory, players will not be permitted to participate in tryouts unless they have registered and paid the tryout fee. You must pay prior to the first tryout and payment will not be accepted at the tryout diamonds. Cost of tryout is $48.00 for all age groups.

Players may not wear Bulls t-shirts or jerseys. Pants and helmets permitted.

8U to 13U players will receive a tryout shirt at the first tryout.

Players should attend all tryouts (based on grouping, if applicable) unless otherwise advised by the Head Coach. Not all players will be invited to attend the later tryouts.

8U to 13U tryouts (players born 2018 to 2012)

For players that do not live in Burlington and are not currently a Bulls Rep/Dedicated Select player, a current release must be provided to the Director of Rep prior to attending tryouts.  

You can find our residency policy here


Draft Tryout Schedule and registration deadline dates are posted here:

Tryout Schedule


Registration instructions are below:


To register for the 2025 Tryouts, please follow these instructions:

  1. Click here to access our registration system (it will open in a new window so you can still access this screen for instructions if you need assistance during the registration process).
  2. If you have not yet created an account with RAMP Interactive, you will need to create an account.  Select the 'Don't have an account? Create one Here.' link.
  3. Once you have created an account / logged in, select the Register as a Participant link.  Alternatively, you may select Register > Participant Registration from the left menu.
  4. On the next screen, for "Choose a Season", select '2024 Bulls Rep & Dedicated Select' season from the dropdown.  In the "Choose a Family Member" dropdown box, select the family member you wish to register.  If the family member you wish to register does not appear, select Add a Family Member and fill in the participant information.
  5. In the "Choose a Division" dropdown box, select the Division you wish to register the participant in.
  6. Choose the Package (2024 Burlington Bulls Tryout fees) by selecting the checkbox beside it and click the Continue button.
  7. On the next screen, please carefully read the Waiver.  At the bottom of this screen there is a Signature Box.  If you have a touchscreen, you can sign inside this box.  If you do not have a touchscreen, simply use your mouse to draw a signature.  Click the checkbox beside "I am 18+ or am a Parent/Guardian to the Registrant and Agree to the Terms and Conditions".  Please ensure you have carefully read the waiver, as your signature and clicking of this checkbox confirms that you agree to the terms and conditions in the waiver.  Click the Continue button. 
  8. On the next screen you will enter Parent/Guardian details.  In the "Choose a Family Member" dropdown box, select the main parent/guardian.  If the main parent/guardian does not appear in the dropdown list, select Add a New Family Member and fill in the parent/guardian information.  If you wish to add a second parent/guardian, click the checkbox beside "I want to add a 2nd Guardian/Parent for this registration" and follow the same instructions for entering the main parent/guardian.  Please note the second parent/guardian information is optional.  Once complete, click the Continue button.
  9. On the next screen you can confirm the details you have entered for the participant and parent(s)/guardian(s).  Once you have confirmed the registration details, click the Submit Registration button to complete the registration.
  10. The registration system will send an email confirmation to the address you provided.  If you have not received the confirmation email within 24 hours, please check your Spam folder to see if the email is there.  If it is not, please contact administrator@baseballburlington.com.

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Mar. 02, 2025 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Board of Directors Meeting
The Yard Boardroom

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Mar. 03, 2025 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

18U House Select Team Meeting
The Yard Boardroom

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Apr. 06, 2025 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Board of Directors Meeting
The Yard Boardroom

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