Equipment Program

2024 BOMBA Equipment Program

BOMBA recently announced that the previous umpire equipment policy was being stopped. Previously, umpires would show up to a field and a set of umpire equipment was (hopefully) located inside our equipment boxes. The umpire was responsible for fitting the equipment, advising of any repairs required and returning it to the storage bag in the box after the game. This created multiple issues with damaged and dirty equipment and unsafe conditions for the umpires. Going forward, there will be no equipment left in the boxes at the field. Further, beginning this season, the old style 'balloons' used as umpire chest protection will no longer be permitted in BOMBA. Umpires are expected to wear a proper Chest Protector. 

Umpires will now be responsible for their own equipment. This can be done in one of three ways:

  1. Umpires may purchase their own equipment.
  2. Umpires may borrow equipment from a friend or sibling.
  3. Umpires may rent their equipment from BOMBA. 

1. For umpires that wish to purchase equipment outright, BOMBA has a discount available for umpires to purchase gear which includes a Chest Protector, Umpire Mask, Shin Guards and a Carrying Bag to keep the gear in. The cost for this set is $325 and the equipment will be adequate for most Level 3 Umpires working U22 and below. There is no requirement to purchase equipment from BOMBA. There are multiple suppliers available in the market and I would be happy to provide some information and options should you wish to pursue other options. Anyone interested in purchasing a set should email

2. There is nothing required if you elect to borrow or share equipment. It is important that you ensure the equipment is fitted properly and appropriate for the level of baseball that you are working. You also must ensure that the equipment is available to you when you have an assignment. Umpires are responsible for bring their gear with them for both plate AND base assignments. 

3. The equipment rental is likely the most cost effective option for any new umpires or those in their first few years. Full details of the rental are listed below. 


Umpire Equipment Rental Program

Pick Up Dates

There are 3 dates currently set in Ramp for Equipment Pick. Saturday April 27 (8:30-12:30), Wednesday May 01 (6:00-8:30), Wednesday May 8 (6:00-8:30). Time slots are set at 15 minutes and are limited to 5 umpires per time slot. A BOMBA Umpire Committee member will be present to help you size/fit the equipment. Please Log into RAMP Assigning and select one of the assignment spots. It does not matter if you select Plate, Base or Admin as your position. Spots are first come first serve. All available dates should be listed as "Open Games". 

Contract & Cost

A rental contract will be in place for you to complete and must be signed by a Parent/Guardian for anyone under 18. The Equipment will be yours for the season from the date of pick up until September 30. Dates will be provided later for returning the equipment. If there are any issues during the season, simply contact me and we'll get you are replacement item to exchange. 

The cost for the rental for the season is $50. The cost is paid off in 1.6 games at the lowest pay level. 

A further $50 is held as a deposit on the gear and is refunded when the gear is returned, complete, at the end of the season. 

The $100 Payment can be made by debit or credit via Tap at the Office. We prefer to not have any cash exchanged if possible. 

What's Included

Umpires will be sized and fitted with a set of Shin Guards, Chest Protector and Mask. All of the items come with a carrying bag to store and keep the gear in. Umpires are expected to keep their gear clean, aired out and dry. The equipment carries a value of $350 and we would like to ensure that it stays in great condition for years to come and that your deposit is returned at the end. If there are ever any concerns or questions, please reach out. 

What's Excluded & Uniform Guidelines

Umpires are required to have their own Brush, Indicator and Ball Bag. BOMBA has sets available for any umpires who wish to purchase as a set for $20. Regular price of the items are $25 or more in most stores. These will be available at the BOMBA Office during Equipment Pick up and soon in our Online Store.

Umpires are also responsible for their own uniform. BOMBA expects that umpires wear a black collared shirt, grey pants and a plain black hat. We are not expecting that new umpires go out and purchase all official umpire clothing. A basic black golf shirt or similar is fine. In an ideal situation, the umpires would have 2 shirts and 2 pants. One set would be large enough for the shin guards and chest protector to go under the clothing. Equipment under the clothing is the expectation once umpires reach Level 3 (Starting in your 6th season). If one item had to be picked, an extra should would be most ideal to go over the chest protector. 

If there are any questions on uniform, one of our committee members are happy to help answer questions during pick up or in advance at

Final Notes of Equipment

This new initiate has BOMBA at the forefront of putting their umpires well being first. We are one of a small handful of Organizations that provide equipment sets to their officials and are the only one who have a full compliment of new gear available. This move from BOMBA shows a very strong level of support for our officials and starts with their safety before we ever step foot on the diamond. We are looking forward to this program being a long term success for everyone. 


Equipment Program News Release -- Press Release


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